MR.DOLLAR Stay Protected Selections For You

Want to stay protected from viruses outside? MR.DOLLAR has just the things for you for only RM2 or RM5. Here are some suggestions:

Transparent Face Shield

9037538 - RM2.00 Each

A face shield provides full face coverage and protects the eyes, nose and mouth against direct exposure to droplets. It is also easy to use and it works to prevent wearers from touching their faces.

Polyurethane Non-Surgical Kids Masks

9056797 - 2 For RM5

Face masks are important to prevent viral particles and limit the spread of germs for both the wearer and the people around them. How it works is by protecting the wearer’s nose and mouth from splashes or sprays of body fluids.


3 Ply Kids Face Mask (10pcs)

9037185 - RM2 Each Pack

Parents who want to buy face masks for their children can look no further than MR.DOLLAR. Kids face masks are smaller compared to the ones worn by adults, which will ensure them a better fit and reduce any risks of being exposed. For RM2, you can get a pack of 10!


MR.DIY Hand Sanitizer

8973779 - RM5.00 Each


AMDPRO+ Hand Sanitizer Spray (42ml)

9754909 - 2 For RM5

Do you prefer to use hand sanitizer in gel form or spray form? Gel hand sanitizer can reach every corner of the hands especially between the fingers but they are ‘messy’ compared to spray hand sanitizers. While spray hand sanitizers are more suitable if you want to spray a certain surface before touching such as a trolley handle but it doesn’t work as well as the gel when it comes to getting into all the spaces between our fingers.

Either way, both options have their own strengths and both can help with the killing of germs and bacteria. But they should only be used as a temporary solution when soap and water are not available.

Check out more MR.DOLLAR Stay Safe Stay Protected products: